Truck Accidents can cause Traumatic Brain Injury

Truck Accident Injury Lawyers Fighting for Victims’ Rights

Road accidents involving trucks, semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, or similar large cargo carriers have the potential to cause Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The resulting damages become major legal battlegrounds between truck accident personal injury lawyers and insurance companies.

Factors Influencing the Severity of Truck Accidents

The severity of Traumatic Brain Injuries depends on factors like vehicle speed, collision type, and the safety measures taken, such as seatbelt usage.

Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain injuries can result from incidents like a blow to the head during a truck accident. Thus, seeking the help of a dedicated Truck Accident Injury Lawyer is crucial in navigating the legal and insurance challenges.

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI symptoms include headaches, dizziness, memory loss, and mood swings. Therefore, immediate medical attention is vital for diagnosis and treatment.

Importance of Truck Accident Injury Lawyers

Contacting a lawyer promptly after a Truck Injury Accident is essential since they can help gather evidence, including photos, videos, witness statements, and medical records.

Insurance Challenges

Insurance companies may offer less than expected. Hence, using a Truck Injury Lawyer is highly recommended for fair compensation.

Reducing Head Injuries with Safety Features

The use of safety features like seatbelts and airbags can mitigate the risk of head injuries in truck accidents.

Long-Term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Severe symptoms may have a lasting impact on daily life. Consequently, legal solutions, including compensation, are crucial during challenging times.

Regulations for Truck Drivers

Strict regulations aim to reduce truck accident injuries and enhance road safety. These include but are not limited to Hours of Service, Commercial Driver’s License, Weight Limits, and Drug Testing.

Compliance with Regulations

Failure to comply with regulations can result in penalties, fines, and the suspension of a driver’s commercial license.

Enhancing Road Safety

These regulations aim to prevent accidents and ensure truck drivers operate their vehicles responsibly, promoting road safety.

There are several U.S. federal laws and regulations that govern truck transportation. Keep in mind that laws may be subject to change. Therefore it is important to check for any updates or revisions. Some key federal laws and regulations related to truck transportation include:

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs): These regulations cover various aspects of commercial motor vehicle operation, including driver qualifications, hours of service, vehicle maintenance, and safety standards. It is administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act (CMVSA): This legislation establishes the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) program, which sets standards for the licensing of commercial motor vehicle drivers.

Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA): Regulates the transportation of hazardous materials and requires compliance with specific safety and security measures.

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act: This law sets safety standards for motor vehicles and equipment, including commercial trucks. It is administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act (ICCTA): While the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) no longer exists, the ICCTA removed certain regulations, allowing for more deregulation of the trucking industry.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Regulations: These regulations address security measures for the transportation of goods, particularly in the context of potential terrorist threats.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emissions Standards: The EPA sets emissions standards for commercial vehicles to address environmental concerns and reduce air pollution.

Clean Air Act: Administered by the EPA, the Clean Air Act includes regulations aimed at reducing air pollution from mobile sources, which includes regulations for truck emissions.

Uniform Intermodal Interchange and Facilities Access Agreement (UIIA): While not a federal law, the UIIA is an industry agreement. It facilitates the interchange of intermodal equipment among motor carriers, intermodal equipment providers, and ocean carriers.

However, it’s important to note that these laws and regulations may be subject to changes and updates. For the most current information, it is advisable to check the official websites of relevant federal agencies such as the FMCSA, NHTSA, TSA, and EPA. Additionally, state laws and regulations may also apply. Hence it is crucial for trucking companies and drivers to be aware of both federal and state requirements.

What types of lawsuits a truck accident injury lawyer may bring?

When a truck driver is at fault in an accident, various types of lawsuits can be brought against both the truck driver and their supervising companies. Here are some common types of lawsuits that may arise:

Personal Injury Lawsuit:

Individuals who suffer injuries in a truck accident caused by the driver’s negligence may hire a Truck Accident Injury Lawyer to file a personal injury lawsuit against the truck driver and their employer. This lawsuit seeks compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other
damages resulting from the injuries. Your truck accident injury lawyer will help you navigate the lawsuit effectively.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit:

If a truck accident results in a fatality, the family or estate of the deceased may hire a personal Injury lawyer to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the truck driver and their employer. This type of lawsuit seeks compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and other damages resulting from the wrongful death.

Negligence Lawsuit:

Negligence is a common legal basis for lawsuits in truck accidents. Plaintiffs Personal Injury Lawyer must demonstrate that the truck driver or the trucking company breached a duty of care, which directly led to the accident and resulting injuries.

Vicarious Liability Lawsuit:

Personal injury lawyers may file lawsuits where Employers are vicariously liable for the actions of their employees, including truck drivers. Therefore, if a driver was acting within the scope of their employment when the accident occurred, the employer may be held responsible for the driver’s negligence.

Product Liability Lawsuit:

In some cases, the truck injury attorney may file an injury lawsuit against the manufacturer or distributor of a defective truck part. In this case, the lawsuit may also target components that contributed to the accident. Generally, this is known as a product liability lawsuit.

Negligent Hiring or Training Lawsuit:

If a personal injury lawyer can prove the trucking company failed to properly screen, train, or supervise its drivers and such failure led to the accident or truck crash, truck accident injury lawyer can also file a negligent hiring or training lawsuit.

Breach of Contract:

In the event that a trucking company fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, such as meeting safety standards or maintaining the truck in proper working condition, the truck accident injury lawyer can initiate a breach of contract lawsuit.

Indeed, these types of lawsuits can be complex, and it may often involve multiple parties and intricate legal issues. If you are seeking to file a lawsuit you should consult with a truck accident injury attorney who would evaluate the specifics of your case and navigate the legal process effectively.

When suing truck drivers or their supervising companies, individuals may seek various types of compensation, depending on the nature and extent of the damages incurred. Here are common types of compensations that can be sought in lawsuits related to truck accidents:

Medical Expenses:

Compensation for past, current, and future medical expenses related to injuries sustained in the truck accident. This can include hospital bills, surgery costs, rehabilitation expenses, medication costs, and other healthcare-related costs.

In that case, your truck accident injury lawyer will be able to get authorization from you and order the medical records that are related to your accident.

Lost Wages:

Furthermore, a personal injury lawyer (truck crash lawyer) may be able to help you to receive reimbursement for income lost. The income loss would be proper because of the inability to work during the recovery period. This may also include compensation for diminished earning capacity if the injuries result in a long-term or permanent disability. Your truck accident injury lawyer will effectively calculate your losses.

Pain and Suffering:

Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish caused by the injuries sustained in the truck accident. This is a non-economic damage aimed at addressing the intangible harm experienced by the victim.

Property Damage:

Compensation for the repair or replacement of damaged property, such as the victim’s vehicle, personal belongings, or other property affected in the accident.

Loss of Consortium:

In some cases, spouses or family members may seek compensation for the loss of companionship, support, and services due to the injuries suffered by their loved one.

Wrongful Death Damages:

In the event of a fatal truck accident, the family or estate of the deceased may hire a truck accident injury lawyer and seek compensation for funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support, and the emotional impact of the loss.

Punitive Damages:

During cases of extreme negligence or intentional misconduct, the court awards punitive damages to punish the defendant and deter similar behavior in the future. However, punitive damages are not always available and are typically reserved for cases involving egregious conduct.

Finally, it’s important to note that the specific types and amounts of compensation can vary based on factors such as state laws, the circumstances of the accident, and the evidence presented. Consequently, consulting with a truck accident injury lawyer is crucial to understanding the potential compensation available in a particular case. This allows one to pursue a legal strategy tailored to the individual circumstances.

Contact Truck Accident Lawyer for Free Initial Case Evaluation

This post is a blog and does not apply to your specific case. Please call our office so we can evaluate and assess your case. Initial evaluation is free and in personal injury cases we would work together, no payment unless we win.,

Phone : 1(877)-500-LAW4(5294) ; Phone & WhatsApp: 949-677-0063


Wrongful Death in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Understanding Wrongful Death: Guidance from a Wrongful Death Lawyer

Discovering the nuances of wrongful death is essential when faced with the devastating loss of a loved one due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party. If you’re seeking legal support, our experienced team of wrongful death lawyers is here to provide guidance and pursue justice for your family. Explore the key aspects of wrongful death and why consulting a wrongful death attorney is crucial in such challenging times.

What is Wrongful Death?

Wrongful death is a legal claim arising from a person’s death caused by the negligence or intentional actions of another. Our team of dedicated wrongful death attorneys specializes in helping surviving family members file lawsuits to seek compensation for their losses. Whether the incident involves car accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents, defective products, or criminal acts, our lawyers are equipped to navigate the complexities of each case.

Proving Wrongful Death: Key Elements

To establish a wrongful death case, specific elements must be proven:

Duty of Care: The responsible party had a duty to exercise reasonable care.

Breach of Duty: Negligence or intentional actions resulted in a breach of duty.

Causation: The breach of duty directly led to the individual’s death.

Damages: Surviving family members or the estate suffered measurable losses.

Common Causes

Car Accidents and More

Explore the most common causes of wrongful death, including:

Car Accidents: Resulting from negligent or reckless driving.

Medical Malpractice: Mistakes by healthcare professionals.

Workplace Accidents: Injuries due to inadequate safety measures.

Product Liability: Deaths caused by defective or dangerous products.

Criminal Acts: Homicides or deaths resulting from criminal activities.

Premises Liability: Fatal accidents on another’s property.

Construction Accidents: Fatalities at construction sites due to unsafe conditions.

Aviation Accidents: Plane crashes or accidents involving other aircraft.

Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse: Deaths due to neglect or abuse in care facilities.

Dangerous Drugs: Fatalities resulting from pharmaceuticals.

When to Contact a Wrongful Death Lawyer

Expert Guidance and Emotional Support

If you believe a wrongful death has occurred, contacting a lawyer is crucial. Here’s why:

Understanding Your Rights: A wrongful death attorney helps you understand your legal rights.

Investigation and Evidence: Lawyers conduct thorough investigations, gathering evidence.

Navigating Legal Procedures: Expert guidance through complex legal processes.

Determining Liability: Identifying responsible parties and establishing liability.

Calculating Damages: Accurate calculation of economic and non-economic damages.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Skilled negotiation for a fair settlement.

Filing a Lawsuit: Representation in court if a fair settlement is unattainable.

Emotional Support: Providing emotional support during a challenging time.

How Much Can You Sue for in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Understanding Damages

The amount sued for varies based on factors like:

Economic Damages: Including medical expenses and funeral costs.

Loss of Financial Support: Compensation for lost income and benefits.

Non-Economic Damages: Covering pain, suffering, and loss of consortium.

Punitive Damages: Awarded for egregious or intentional conduct.

In a wrongful death case, consulting with a knowledgeable wrongful death lawyer is essential. Our team is dedicated to providing expert guidance, emotional support, and pursuing fair compensation for your losses. If you’re in Los Angeles, our experienced Los Angeles wrongful death lawyers offer local expertise. Contact us to discuss your case and seek justice for your loved one.

Contact Wrongful Death Lawyer for Free Initial Case Evaluation

This post is a blog and may not apply to your specific case. Please call our office to get your case evaluated by a wrongful death lawyer. Initial evaluation is free and in wrongful death cases you won’t pay unless we win.,

Phone : 1(877)-500-LAW4(5294) ; Phone & WhatsApp: 949-677-0063

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

If you or a loved one has suffered the physical, emotional, or financial hardships of a car accident, you may be uncertain on what steps to take next. Attorney Ramona Kennedy is here to help guide you every step of the way to make sure the responsible at-fault drivers along with insurance companies are held accountable and that justice will be served. We are conveniently located in the cities of Los Angeles and Irvine, California and are ready to help get compensation that you deserve for any injury or damage that has been caused as a result of a serious car accident.

Car accidents can result in fatalities, it is proven that over 38,000 individuals die as a result of car crashes within the United States. Over 4.4 million individuals must seek medical attention due to serious injuries as a result of motor vehicle accidents as well. This is why it is substantial to seek help from attorney Ramona Kennedy, as she will provide you with the proper compensation for any physical, emotional, or financial impacts that you may be or may have suffered with.

• Causes of Car Accidents

o Drunk driving

o Reckless driving

o Speeding

o Driving while distracted

o Driving with lack of streetlights

o Rain

o Running a red light or stop sign

• Car Accident: Statistics

o Within the United States just in the year 2019, there were 33,244 fatal motor vehicle crashes – 36,096 deaths occurred

o On average, there are six million car accidents per year within the United States- Over 90 fatalities occur as a result of car accident in the US everyday o In the year 2020, there were 38,680 deaths reported as a result of motor vehicle crashes- This is a 7.2% increase in deaths as a result of motor vehicle traffic crashes from the year prior

• Car Accident: Steps to Takeo Seek medical attention if needed

o If an individual is unconscious, wait for professional medical assistance instead of moving them yourself unless there are hazards that may threaten their life

o Call the police after the accident and file a report (be sure to jot down the names of the officers present in order to follow up regarding the accuracy of the accident report)

o Exchange information with other drivers involved. This includes, the name, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license, insurance information, and physical addresses. Information from any present witnesses may also be useful when explaining the accident to your own insurance company.

o Do not apologize to the other drivers, as it assumes admitting liability for the car crash and can later be used against you. o Stay at the scene after exchanging information or after filing a police report (if not, additional criminal penalties will be charged as a hit-and-run accident).

• Car Accident: Common Injurieso Whiplash

o Broken bones

o Brain injury

o Muscle tears

o Cuts and scratches

o Spinal injuries

Contact Attorney Ramona Kennedy if you have suffered any of the listed injuries, as the injury may worsen with time and may not seem as damaging in the moment. Medical bills are costly, and a knowledgeable attorney will be able to help you receive compensation for the damage that you have suffered. Minor damage can ultimately lead to major damage and costly medical bills, physical and emotional damage, and fatalities in certain cases.

Each situation is case by case and an attorney will be able to help you decide what is best for you. In cases of car accidents that are much less significant, you may not need an attorney. If you have not suffered injuries, needed to seek medical attention, or needed to pay medical bills, you may not need to seek help from an attorney.

This is a legal blog. It is not intended to be used as legal advice. This blog does not create Attorney-Client Relationship. For further information please contact the law offices of attorney Ramona Kennedy. Ramona Kennedy (Attorney) received her Jurisprudence Doctorate in America and is a licensed attorney in California, licensed by California Supreme Court (USA). Ramona Kennedy is the lifetime, honorary member of the US Supreme Court’s Bar Association. Ramona Kennedy is fluent in English and Farsi (Persian).

www.topsuperlawyer.comOffices in Orange County and Los Angeles County. Kennedy Law LC

Accidents Hurt, “Get Paid If It Was Not Your Fault”

Slip and fall accidents are consistently the leading cause of injury in the United States and can result in life-threatening injuries. Though the injuries from a slip and fall accident may seem minor at first, they may eventually cause many serious injuries including broken bones or fractures which is why they should be taken very seriously.

Owners of various property are liable and have the responsibility of keeping the environment safe for everyone. If you find yourself in a slip and fall situation, you may be entitled to compensation for the injuries that you endured.

• Legal Right to Compensation For:

o Injuries o Medical Bills

o Loss of Income

• Causes of Slip and Fall / Trip and Fall Accidents

o Wet floorso Unsafe construction sites

o Damages walkwayso Poorly maintained floors

o Poorly maintained pool area

o Unsafe conditions at any given store, office, market, building, etc.

• Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident

o Seek medical attention if needed (It is beneficial to still seek medical attention if your injuries are minor, as they can potentially worsen over time)

o Report your accident to the owner of the property and request a copy to ensure that the details of the incident are accurate

o Do not say anything to the owner or manager of the establishment that may later be used against you

o Obtain the contact information of any witnesses that may have seen you fall, as their statements may be used to help your case

o Document the scene of the accident as evidence, this will be proof of unsafe conditions (If not, the owner may renovate the scene to make it seem as though it was not in dangerous condition to begin with)

o Document the clothing you were wearing at the time of the incident o Check for any cameras that may have captured your fall as evidence to your case

In cases of slip and fall accidents, it is crucial to prove the negligence of property owners or managers of the structure as they should have been well aware of the dangerous condition within the structure. With that knowledge, they should have made it well aware to individuals of the unsafe condition or fixed it so that no injuries could potentially happen. The premises should be safe of any potential injury or danger.

Contact Attorney Ramona Kennedy if you have suffered any of the listed injuries, as the injury may worsen with time and may not seem as damaging in the moment. Medical bills are costly, and a knowledgeable attorney will be able to help you receive compensation for the damage that you have suffered. Minor damage can ultimately lead to major damage and costly medical bills, physical and emotional damage, and fatalities in certain cases. Each situation is case by case and an attorney will be able to help you decide what is best for you.

This is a legal blog. It is not intended to be used as legal advice. This blog does not create Attorney-Client Relationship. For further information please contact the law offices of attorney Ramona Kennedy. Ramona Kennedy (Attorney) received her Jurisprudence Doctorate in America and is a licensed attorney in California, licensed by California Supreme Court (USA). Ramona Kennedy is the lifetime, honorary member of the US Supreme Court’s Bar Association .Ramona Kennedy is fluent in English and Farsi (Persian).

Offices in Orange County and Los Angeles County. Kennedy Law LC

Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

If you or a loved one has suffered the physical, emotional, or financial hardships of a car accident, you may be uncertain on what steps to take next. Attorney Ramona Kennedy is here to help guide you every step of the way to make sure the responsible at-fault drivers along with insurance companies are held accountable and that justice will be served. We are conveniently located in the cities of Los Angeles and Irvine, California and are ready to help get compensation that you deserve for any injury or damage that has been caused as a result of a serious car accident.

Car accidents can result in fatalities, it is proven that over 38,000 individuals die as a result of car crashes within the United States. Over 4.4 million individuals must seek medical attention due to serious injuries as a result of motor vehicle accidents as well. This is why it is substantial to seek help from attorney Ramona Kennedy, as she will provide you with the proper compensation for any physical, emotional, or financial impacts that you may be or may have suffered with.

  • Causes of Car Accidents
    • Drunk driving
    • Reckless driving
    • Speeding
    • Driving while distracted
    • Driving with lack of streetlights
    • Rain
    • Running a red light or stop sign
  • Car Accident: Statistics
    • Within the United States just in the year 2019, there were 33,244 fatal motor vehicle crashes (36,096 deaths occurred)
    • On average, there are six million car accidents per year within the United States
    • Over 90 fatalities occur as a result of car accident in the US everyday
    • In the year 2020, there were 38,680 deaths reported as a result of motor vehicle crashes (this is a 7.2% increase in deaths as a result of motor vehicle traffic crashes from the year prior)
  • Car Accident: Steps to Take
    • Seek medical attention if needed
    • If an individual is unconscious, wait for professional medical assistance instead of moving them yourself unless there are hazards that may threaten their life.
    • Call the police after the accident and file a report (be sure to jot down the names of the officers present in order to follow up regarding the accuracy of the accident report).
    • Exchange information with other drivers involved. This includes, the name, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license, insurance information, and physical addresses. Information from any present witnesses may also be useful when explaining the accident to your own insurance company.
    • Do not apologize to the other drivers, as it assumes admitting liability for the car crash and can later be used against you.
    • Stay at the scene after exchanging information or after filing a police report (if not, additional criminal penalties will be charged as a hit-and-run accident).
  • Car Accident: Common Injuries
    • Whiplash
    • Broken bones
    • Brain injury
    • Muscle tears
    • Cuts and scratches
    • Spinal injuries

Contact Attorney Ramona Kennedy if you have suffered any of the listed injuries, as the injury may worsen with time and may not seem as damaging in the moment. Medical bills are costly, and a knowledgeable attorney will be able to help you receive compensation for the damage that you have suffered. Minor damage can ultimately lead to major damage and costly medical bills, physical and emotional damage, and fatalities in certain cases. Each situation is case by case and an attorney will be able to help you decide what is best for you. In cases of car accidents that are much less significant, you may not need an attorney. If you have not suffered injuries, needed to seek medical attention, or needed to pay medical bills, you may not need to seek help from an attorney.

This is a legal blog. It is not intended to be used as legal advice. This blog does not create Attorney-Client Relationship. For further information please contact the law offices of attorney Ramona Kennedy.

Ramona Kennedy (Attorney) received her Jurisprudence Doctorate in America and is a licensed attorney in California, licensed by California Supreme Court (USA). Ramona Kennedy is the lifetime, honorary member of the US Supreme Court’s Bar Association and a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). Ramona Kennedy is fluent in English and Farsi (Persian).

Offices in Orange County and Los Angeles County. Kennedy Law LC